Spartan Race是全球障礙跑競賽(OCR)的領導品牌
Trail越野賽10K及Half Marathon距離,Hurricane Heat 颶風挑戰12小時
2020 希望一個帶一個
🏃🏻 活 動 資 訊
一、主辦單位 | 寬寬整合行銷
二、競賽日期 | 2020年7月4-5日(星期六~星期日)
三、報名時間 | 報名時間從即日起~7/1 12:00(中午) 截止 (依各票種截止時間為主)
完賽僅提供完賽T-shirt、完賽獎牌,皆由美國Spartan Race原廠生產製作,SPARTAN RACE賽事「不會」於賽前寄送任何物資,所有物資皆賽事當天「現場報到領取」。
2.水壺或水袋(500 CC以上)
(三)Hurricane Heat颶風挑戰注意事項
僅接受信用卡一次付清(VISA、Master Card、JCB信用卡)當您選擇此付款方式時, 結帳頁面將會帶您進行信用卡相關資料填寫,請您務必詳實填寫您的資料,以方便與發卡銀行做信用卡資料核對。
繳費機操作流程:於繳費機首頁點選「繳費」→「會員儲值繳費」→「KKTIX」→同意「閱讀條款」→輸入【繳款代碼】→ 再次確認「繳款編號」→確認「繳款金額與項目」→ 列印繳費單 → 並於10分鐘內至櫃台繳費
3.繳費期限為48小時內,請務必於期限內進行繳款。 例:3/15的09:02完成報名,繳費期限為48小時內,表示3/17的09:02前您必須前往繳費。
5.未依照規定時間內繳交報名費者、繳交報名費時已額滿、報名費轉帳金額不足或手續不全者,皆視同未完成報名,無法再進行繳費。報名費繳費完成後即可到報名系統上之本賽會【訂單查詢/修改】 查詢繳款狀況
1. 訂單成立後,取消或是修改訂單數量,在尚未付款前仍可以取消或變更,若要取消請點選「取消訂單」 按鈕,系統會自動取消且不保留,若需變更訂單,請您盡速與我們聯繫。
2. 訂單成立後,無法更改付款方式,若是刷卡失敗的狀況,也無法再變更其他付款方式或再次刷卡同筆訂單編號,請重新成立新的訂單。
3. 請注意,若您已繳費完成,但欲變更人名、參賽梯次、衣服尺寸,經主辦單位同意後將酌收每人/次/場選手250元手續費,受理日期即日起至6/22(23:59)截止。
4.如有其他問題歡迎至Spartan Race Taiwan臉書粉絲團私訊詢問或Email至,客服專線:0800-612-168(活動內容相關諮詢星期一~星期五12:00~20:00)
SUPER超級賽、SPRINT衝刺賽、Trail越野賽、Hurricane Heat颶風挑戰
Hurricane Heat颶風挑戰賽 完賽T尺寸
1.Spartan Race是全球最厲害的障礙路跑,所有競賽選手,絕不怯懦,勇於克服障礙挑戰,當然還要通過嚴苛的剝皮跳考驗;同時,我們鼓勵相互合相互激勵,只要通過層層關卡的挑戰,必能成為真正的斯巴達!AROO~
6.這是一個榮耀的競賽,也關乎您是否可晉級Spartan Race世錦賽的挑戰,故嚴禁參賽選手互換晶片、禁止配戴他人晶片、禁止一人配戴2個或3個以上晶片,違者將取消參賽資格,成績不予計算。
14.主辦單位將保有更改競賽辦法、規範、注意事項、流程等之權利;競賽規範內容如有未盡事宜,將陸續於Spartan Race Taiwan 臉書粉絲專頁補充公告。
1.事關自身權益,請詳細閱讀;依據美國Spartan Race競賽規範,主辦單位「強烈」建議所有參賽選手應自行投保個人旅平險或運動保險,礙於台灣法令無法為您於本網站代購。
3.公共意外險承保範圍:依照中華民國104年內政部研訂發文字號內授消字 第1040823601號之規定投保。
√ 個人疾病導致運動傷害。
√ 因個人體質或因自身心血管所致之症狀,例如休克、心臟病、糖尿病、熱衰竭、中暑、高山症、癲癇、脫水等。對於因本身疾患所引起之病症將不在保險範圍內,而公共意外險只承擔因外來意外所受之傷害理賠。
√ 選手如遇與跟第二項所述之疾病之病史,建議選手慎重考慮自身安全,自行加保個人人身意外保險。
√ 如您曾發生過以下病況及有以下疾病狀況,屬猝死高危險群,請諮詢醫師專業的判斷及請勿勉強參加。
√ 不明原因的胸部不適於(胸悶、胸痛)、不明原因的呼吸困難、不明原因頭暈、突然失去知覺、高血壓(>140/90 mm Hg)、心臟病、腎功能異常、糖尿病、高血脂(總膽固>240mg/D1)、家族心臟病史(一等親在60歲前發生心臟病或猝死)、癲癇。
Spartan is the leading obstacle course racing (OCR) brand in the world.
Spartan has been launched in more than 46 countries, with over 2 million racers participating.
NBC reviewed Spartan Race as the best obstacle race.
With the features of timing system and global ranking system, Spartan Race provides amateurs racers a unique physical training ground
It also provides professional OCR racers to test themselves physically in a new way.
It is a race of strength, endurance and determination.
It is the kind of race that urges you to strive and work with others as a team in order to go beyond your limit.
Every racer who survives through the challenges becomes a real Spartan!
Introduced for the first time in 2016, Spartan Race Taiwan is entering its fourth year, and attracted nearly 40,000 racers from overseas and Taiwan to participate in eight race events held.
New Race format introduced in 2020
Trail 10K and Half Marathon, 12 Hours Hurricane Heat
Bring your friend to Spartan Race in 2020
Let’s exercise and build a better Taiwan together
1.Event Organizer: Kwan Kwan Marketing Co. Ltd.
2.Race Location: Kaohsiung
3.Registration Dates:
From now till 2020/7/1 12:00
4. Date of Race | Race Level:
Racers under 18 years old must have a waiver signed by their parents or guardian. Their parents or guardian must present a photo ID. If the adult accompanying the kid is not a parent or guardian, then they must present (one of) the following:
1) A consent signed by a parent or guardian.
2) A waiver signed by a parent or guardian,
3) The adult accompanying must be at least 18 years old and must show a signed parent’s consent and his/her photo ID.
5. Every racer will receive a finisher’s medal and t-shirt, which are manufactured originally from Spartan.
6. Racer package: Spartan Race WILL NOT mail out any materials. All materials will be sent out to racers at the registration site on the race day. The racer’s package will include a headband with a unique BIB number, a heat wristband, a timing chip and a wristband for the timing chip.
7. Who can register
Spartan Trail, Spartan BEAST, Spartan SUPER, Spartan SPRINT and Hurricane Heat: Anyone who’s mentally and physically healthy can register for the Spartan Race. All registrants shall follow the rules by the organizer. Participant from 14 years old or below 18 years old need to fill in a consent form from parents to attend the race and present to registration staff on the race day.
8. Cautions: If there are no irresistible reasons to apply for a refund, we would be unable to refund for you. If your reasons are eligible, please provide documents that support your absence for the race. Please refer to terms in ‘Refund’.
9. A NTD250 service fee will be charged for details change including your name, race type and shirt size until deadline of 6/20 (before 23:59)
11. Registration method: Online registration only.
12. Required information for registration: Gender, name in English, date of birth, identification number (passport number for non-Taiwanese participants), nationality, mobile phone number, e-mail address, and size for the T-shirt.
13. Payment method:
After placement of your order, please pay within 24hrs. If payment is not completed within 24hrs, your order will be cancelled automatically.
ATM transaction and FamiPort payment will incur service charges, which shall be by your own expenses.
Only full payment is accepted for credit card payments. (VISA, Master Card, JCB) When you checkout for credit card payment, the system will ask you to fill in your credit card details on the payment page. Please make sure your credit card details are given correctly to allow verification from your issuing bank. 3% of processing fee will be charged for all payments.
Only orders above NT$1,500 can be proceeded through FamiPort payment. Procedure of payment for FamiPort : Select ‘繳費’ from the main screen of the FamiPort machine, then select ’會員儲值繳’→‘KKTIX’→’同意「閱讀條款」’→Key in serial number→‘再次確認「繳款編號」’→’確認「繳款金額與項目」’→Print out the payment details→pay at the counter within 10mins.
14. Refund, Postponement and refund amount
1)It is an honor to attend the race, therefore please consider carefully your capability and capacity before deciding to participate in the race.
Refund, Deferral & Refundable amount Instruction:
According to Kaohsiung City Government’s recommendation, for community safety reason, Spartan Race Taiwan will postpone Kaohsiung Race to July 4th & 5th.
Deferral Instruction:
• Deferral submitted after 2020/5/31 (23:59), no extra fee will be charged
• Deferral submitted after 2020/6/1 (00:00), NTD 300 handling fee will be charged per racer/heat/event. Deferral must be submitted before 2020/6/19 (23:59). Any application between 2020/6/20 and 2020/7/3 (23:59) will be charged with NTD 500 fee.
• Any deferral submitted on event date will be invalid.
Refund Instruction:
• Refund application submitted before 2020/5/18 (23:59) will receive partial registration fee (deducted handling fee)
• Refund application submitted between 2020/5/19 and 2020/6/19 (23:59) will receive 50% of registration fee with NTD 250 handling fee per racer/heat/event.
• Any refund application submitted after 2020/6/20 will be invalid.
15. Registration FAQs:
16 Finisher medal, finisher T-shirt and Limited Spartan Race Taiwan Event T-shirt
1) If you are able to finish the race within the given time (before 17:30), you will be able to receive a finisher medal and a finisher T-shirt. Racers can collect these items in the counter of reward session.
2) Limited Spartan Race Taiwan Event T-shirt can be collect on race day ONLY.
3) Unit of measurement: cm
T-shirt size for adults: Unit of measure: cm (The T-shirts are in US size and measured when it’s lay. Allow 2-2.5 cm of difference.)
17. Awards and Prize money:
If the winner for prize money is an R.O.C. resident, or a P.R.C resident/foreigner has a profitable business, or stayed in Taiwan for more than 183 days within a tax year, will need to pay 10% of tax. If the winner for prize money is not an R.O.C. resident, or a P.R.C resident/foreigner who does not have a profitable business, or stayed in Taiwan for less than 183 days within a tax year, will need to pay 20% of tax.
18. Bag Check: You can leave your personal belongings at the Bag Check area on race day. Bag Check service available 7/4 at 7:30, 7/5 at 6:30. You can pick up your stuff after the race with the headband number before 18:30 on race day. Each baggage will be charged NTD100. Please keep your own valuable belongings and we will not be responsible for the loss.
19. During the race: Spartan Race is the best obstacle race in the world. All racers should not fear or give up. Racers are ready to take up challenges along the way. Of course, there are also burpees! During the course, we also encourage partnership. We encourage racers helping out each other and inspiring each other. Once they complete all the obstacles, they will become a true Spartan. Aroo~
1) Please follow the instructions and guidelines given by the staff at each obstacle. In the event of failure, you will need to do 30 burpees as penalty before you can proceed to the next obstacle. (
2) All participants shall finish the race by 17:30. Those who are unable to finish by 17:30 will be considered as disqualified and won’t be able to pick up the finisher T-shirt and the medal.
3) Spartan is a race that honors integrity and honesty. The chip plays an essential role on whether you can advance to the next level of Spartan race. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to switch your chip with other racers, wear someone else’s chip, or wear more than 1 chip at the same time. If you do any of these acts, you will be disqualified and the scores won’t be recorded.
4) The instructions on how to use the timing chip will be given when you register on event date. Before you head to the race, please read the instructions carefully or ask the assistance from the staff at the race. In addition, there will be a POP on chip instruction at the REGISTRATION. The staff will also give the instructions again right before each session starts. Please keep the instructions in mind. If your results are not correctly logged due to misusage of the chip, Spartan Race Taiwan will not be held responsible for it.
5) Please evaluate your own capacity and capability before deciding to attend the race. You will not be allowed to change the name of racer, race category, size of the T-shirt or ask for a refund for whatever reasons. You cannot give your spot to other people if you are not able to attend the race. Those who have not registered cannot take part in the race. It is also strictly forbidden to race on behalf of others. If discovered, the racer will be disqualified.
6) If you feel unwell before the race starts, please don’t force yourself to participate. If you start feeling unwell during the race, you should stop. If you force yourself and result in an unfortunate incident, Spartan Race Taiwan shall not bear any responsibilities for it.
7) Please do keep your safety and wellness as top priority and don’t force yourself. Take all necessary measures to prevent yourself from having a heat stroke. If you start feeling unwell or suffer from heat stroke, you should take a break from the race and ask help from the medical station or race staff. To ensure everyone’s safety, Spartan Race Taiwan shall forcibly stop a racer from continuing if the medical team finds his/her condition is not well enough to stay on the race.
8) Spartan Race Taiwan will have a medical team on-site to provide necessary medical help and purchase public liability insurance for all the racers. Any illness or syndrome resulted from the racer’s personal physical condition will not be covered by the insurance policy. The policy only covers and reimburses for the injury resulted from accidents. All details are subject to the terms and clauses stipulated in the policy contract.
9) According to the data released by Central Weather Bureau prior to the race, in case there are any natural disasters or force majeure such as the announcement of sea/land typhoon warnings, earthquakes or thunder stroke or the PM 2.5 index is too high, the organizers shall postpone the race or change event time considering the safety of the race participants. The registration fee will not be refunded.
10) If any supplementary regulations are required for the race, further announcements will be made on the Facebook page of Spartan Race Taiwan.
20. Insurance We strongly recommend you to purchase your own sports insurance. However, due to legal regulations, we are unable to help you purchase through this website.
1) The coverage of public liability insurance: Spartan Race Taiwan will purchase an insurance coverage in accordance with the regulations stipulated in document no. 1040823601 issued by Ministry of the Interior in 2015.
2) Exclusions
a) Injuries resulted from individual illness.
b) Syndromes resulted from personal physical/cardio conditions such as shock, heart disease, diabetes, heat exhaustion, heat stroke, acute mountain sickness, epilepsy, dehydration and etc. These will not be covered. Public liability insurance only covers injuries and damages caused by accidents.
c) For racers who have a history of the illness mentioned in (b), please consider your safety and health seriously and purchase individual accident insurance.
d) If you have had the following illness or syndrome, you are very likely to suffer from cardiac diseases or even sudden death. Please consult a doctor before registration or please refrain from joining the race.
e) Chest discomfort (chest tightness or chest pain) for unknown reasons, breathing difficulties for unknown reasons, dizziness, loss of consciousness, high blood pressure (>140/90 mm Hg), heart disease, kidney dysfunction, high blood lipid (cholesterol >240mg/D1), family history of heart disease (any of your lineal relatives suffered from heart diseases or sudden death before the age of 60), or seizure.
4) If you start feeling unwell during the race, please stop immediately and seek help from the medical team!
5) In accordance with the race rules set by Spartan Race, USA, the organizer “strongly” suggest all racers purchase additional insurance of individual sports. Due to the restrictions of Taiwanese law, we cannot offer the insurance products on the website for you. However, the organizer will send the insurance information to your personal email address for your reference.
🏃🏻 購 票 方 式 說 明